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Looking for a host? Contact me!
When I was 12 years old, I was pretty reserved, introverted, and shy. But I knew where I wanted to be: on the radio. I was fascinated by the spontaneity of the presenters, the eloquence of the correspondents, and that the fact that people listened to their commentary, their analysis, their judgments, and even just their chat.
It’s probably because I didn’t dare to make people listen to me at the time that I later chose a career where I have done – and still do – exactly that.
Today, it’s easy for me professionally to stand in front of people, do interviews, clarify complex ideas, and explain situations.
I supervised and helped shape over 1,000 broadcasts as a presenter, editor, discussion host, and reporter, first at Zürcher Radio 24, then at the national station SRF3 (then DRS3). My pet project was the renowned talk show “Focus,” where I hosted guests with something to say on cultural, economic, political and, most of all, personal issues in front of the microphone for an uncut hour-long discussion. These ranged from former Sauber CEO Monisha Kaltenborn and successful financier and Mormon Alfred Gantner to then-president of the Swiss Federation Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf.
I earned my first TV industry stripes at the regional broadcaster TeleZüri/Tele24 (and no, I don’t work there any more, although viewers keep coming up to me who are convinced they saw me on there just the other day…) on a celebrity news show. Then, after several years, as a news and talk show presenter…
Until then head of entertainment called me to Schweizer Fernsehen, where I helped shape my own quiz show in the national broadcaster’s evening line-up.
When the German broadcaster Sat1 offered me the opportunity to present a big live show for several months, I temporarily moved to Berlin and Cologne.
When I returned to Switzerland, I presented the talent show “Die grössten Schweizer Talente.”
I then got back into the daily news game, joining “Schweiz aktuell,” where I worked as a presenter and editor, and was in charge of the show’s content as a producer.
I left TV and took time out on the island of Mallorca for health reasons.
Now back in Switzerland, I am currently studying for a Masters in New Media Journalism and working as a freelance presenter. Perhaps I could work for you, too.
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